We Seal featured in European Baker & Biscuit magazine

We were recently approached by European Baker & Biscuit magazine to contribute our expertise to a special feature dedicated to bread bag sealing solutions. Read the full interview, as CEO Richard Hobson discusses sustainability in a changing industry, how We Seal approaches R&D and what our goals are for the future…
Behind the Scenes with James Elliott, Senior Service Engineer

An insight into working at We Seal as a field service engineer; the company culture, exciting travel opportunities and free samples!
Bad recycling habits – and how to break them

Recycling is a wonderful thing; if it’s done correctly. But many well-meaning people may unwittingly be contributing to the waste crisis by following some bad recycling habits. Tips from a sustainability & recycling expert could hold the key…
We Seal’s CEO to speak at IBIE in Las Vegas, September 2022

With over 30 years’ experience in the bakery packaging sector, Richard will share his insights on sustainability, the role recyclable plastic can play in reducing food waste, and how to implement meaningful, individual responses to combat climate change.
We Seal launches engineer training course

Unexpected down-time and expensive call-out fees disrupting your production line? Equip your engineers with the skills to deal with the vast majority of mechanical issues on-site with an engineer training course at We Seal’s purpose-built training facility.
How does We Seal compare to other bag sealing methods?

Side by side analysis of how a We Seal bag closure compares to twin wire clips, rigid plastic tags and twist ties.
Introducing the Professional Sealer

The Professional Sealer is the perfect step up for the thriving bakery looking to semi-automate their bagging process…
Recycle Week: Spotlight on Bread Bags

Did you know that it’s Recycle Week 20-26 September 2021? We’re putting the spotlight on soft plastic – and why it’s not all bad news…
“The best thing since sliced bread”: origin of famous phrase explained

You’ve heard it. You’ve said it. But do you know where the saying comes from? Read on to discover the origin of the famous phrase…
Planting Beebombs for World Environment Day

In celebration of World Environment Day a few weeks ago, some of the We Seal team planted Beebombs in the grounds of our HQ… read on to find out exactly what they are!