Introducing the Professional Sealer
The Professional Sealer is designed for the thriving bakery wishing to professionalise their packing operation.
Watch this video to learn more about its impressive features.
To enquire about the Professional Sealer, contact us on
+44 (0) 113 250 5881 or email:

We Seal launches engineer training course
Unexpected down-time and expensive call-out fees disrupting your production line? Equip your engineers with the skills to deal with the vast majority of mechanical issues on-site with an engineer training course at We Seal’s purpose-built training facility.

How does We Seal compare to other bag sealing methods?
Side by side analysis of how a We Seal bag closure compares to twin wire clips, rigid plastic tags and twist ties.

Planting Beebombs for World Environment Day
In celebration of World Environment Day a few weeks ago, some of the We Seal team planted Beebombs in the grounds of our HQ… read on to find out exactly what they are!

Your consumers want you to switch to tape seals – here’s why
We’ve spoken to consumers in Australia & New Zealand, to find out what they really think of the way their bread is packaged… and shown them how it could be improved.