We Seal Launches Engineer Training Course

We are excited to announce that we have developed a specialised one-day training programme to equip your engineers with the skills to minimise down-time and keep your Flexi Plus bag sealers running smoothly.
In our purpose-built training facility your engineers will benefit from a quiet environment away from the noise and distraction of the production line, allowing for optimal concentration.
What does the course cover?
Our course covers a variety of areas including: Theory of operation, safety, pneumatics, main drive components, electrical components, common faults & more…
What’s in it for you?
Unexpected down-time costs the average bakery £1,500 per hour in lost product alone – that’s before factoring in any call-out fees! Investing a fraction of that amount in high quality training could prove invaluable in safeguarding your production line.
How much does it cost?
To celebrate the launch of this new initiative we are offering an introductory rate of £295 +VAT per person.
Bespoke day rates are also available – please contact us to discuss.
What is included?
The full day course (9.30-4.30) comprises extensive product training from our highly experienced support team, and a hands-on session to put the skills learnt into practice.
Training certificates will be awarded upon completion.
Lunch will be provided, along with teas and coffees during the day.
What do engineers think?
"The course was great! I learnt so much more than I expected. Looking at the machine so closely was really helpful. I was very impressed with the instructor's knowledge, the resources provided and the balance of theory and practical elements. I would definitely recommend this training to a colleague. Five stars!"
Attendee of training session in February 2022
To make a booking, please email: support@weseal.com or call us on +44 (0) 113 250 5881

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