What do you do when things go wrong?
Carolyn Bostock
Keeping the production line running is a number one priority for most bakeries. Stop time costs money, it’s annoying, frustrating and whilst it’s to be expected at times, what do you do when things go wrong?
It’s one of the areas that the team at We Seal have really worked hard on. We simply don’t want our machines to be the ones causing problems. In fact our approach is to make our machines the most reliable in the production line. The one that causes the least headaches. The one that just quietly gets on and does what it’s supposed to do hour by hour day in day out. We do accept that things can go wrong though so the second strand to our support approach is that we will make breakdowns and servicing as painless as possible. And it seems to be paying off.
“We would like to commend your quick response to our need for support to site”
Just a Little Bit of History
When We Seal bought Select Bag Sealers in 2016 the bag sealing machines were innovative, had a small footprint, quick to install and ran at faster speeds than any other bag sealing technology available. But we also picked up a legacy of expensive call outs and costly spares and repairs which at times meant our customers faced some unexpected costly invoices. It’s not what we wanted as a company. We also had suppliers who had to come out and fix our tape spooling machines from time to time and the last thing we wanted was unexpected costs so why would we expect our customers to feel any different.
This is the challenge and approach we have taken ever since owning SBS and re-branding to We Seal. And this is what we have done.

1. Small But Mighty
At the end of the production line in most bakeries is probably one of the smaller pieces of machinery in the ambient bagged bread making process.
Small but mighty, it’s responsible for ensuring that all the previous demanding work that goes in to producing a quality loaf isn’t wasted. That the bread stays sealed within the bag, stays fresh and in perfect condition to eat, by the time it has been delivered to the retailer or caterer and finally into the home of the consumer.
That machine is the focus of all our design, innovations, and engineering precision at We Seal. But it’s not just the machine, it’s the tape too that is small but mighty, but more on that incredible little piece of technology another time when we explain more about our seal.
2. Reliability You Can Count On
Our machines are built to be reliable. Running at 60+ tape seals per minute there is no room for error!
To ensure it remains in reliable operation, we have our expert team install, maintain and service the machine in conjunction with your own on-site team performing regular, routine basic preventative maintenance tasks. This combined approach means a machine that will give you repeatable tape sealing of the highest standard.
And that includes a fast turnaround for call outs. Super fast deliveries on consumables and always having spares in stock so you or our lovely team of Service Engineers can get you back up and running as fast as possible.
This is at the very heart of our service and support function within We Seal and why we have such a thorough, committed, and dedicated approach to making sure our extremely reliable machines are the least concern in your production line
3. We Think It's Working
These days we are constantly bombarded with requests for feedback and reviews on almost any interaction we do in our daily lives. But do you know what’s even nicer – when you get feedback and praise without even asking for it. We have such lovely and appreciative customers
“we wanted to say thank you for an amazing year of service. Looking forward to same again next year”
4. Four Simple Things We Do
What do we do to make sure you keep on running apart from building reliable machines? There are 4 simple things we do to make sure you always keep running.
Out of the box service – with each new machine purchase, the first service is included for free. Timing of that first service depends on the throughput of the machine and we tailor that timing to your specific operation. This first service also allows your business to best understand what level of support you might want in the future to keep your machine continuously working optimally.
- Regular Servicing – Following the first service and understanding the throughput and use of your machine in the production line we can then propose how frequently your machine would need servicing. For some companies this may be several times a year while for others it may be every 12-16 months. Regular servicing is essential to ensure you do not get any unexpected stops on the production line. Our machines are built to be extremely robust and typically will last for 10-15 years and longer but servicing is what keeps them at their best. It is the same with any machine or your car! Servicing can be paid for on an ad hoc basis or for a more cost efficient approach, a service contract is definitely the best way.
- Spares and repairs – If something does go wrong then we can arrange a visit by our team of highly specialised Service Engineers. They come out as fast as we can so you are not standing still for any longer than necessary. We hold all the necessary spare parts to complete a repair our HQ in Leeds. We can diagnose issues over the phone most often in advance of a visit so we can ensure we bring the required spares. We charge for repairs and call out and this can mean you can have unexpected bills which is why we always recommend a service contract which can include all repairs, callouts, and parts. In addition to spares we also stock all the consumables your machine may need. Obviously, we stock and supply resealable, recyclable bread tape! Machine consumables include items such as brushes, bushes and belts. Deliveries are by fastest method possible but as you use your new machine you will soon start to recognise the pattern of consumable required and can order in advance/keep some in stock
- Service and Support Contracts – Most of our customers find a Service and Support Contract the best approach. It means they never have any unexpected bills and can manage their budgets easily. Operationallya service contract ensures you get priority response from our Service Engineers Team for services, repairs, advice, and support. We can tailor make the best contract for your business
Carolyn Bostock

We Seal launches engineer training course
Unexpected down-time and expensive call-out fees disrupting your production line? Equip your engineers with the skills to deal with the vast majority of mechanical issues on-site with an engineer training course at We Seal’s purpose-built training facility.

How does We Seal compare to other bag sealing methods?
Side by side analysis of how a We Seal bag closure compares to twin wire clips, rigid plastic tags and twist ties.

Introducing the Professional Sealer
The Professional Sealer is the perfect step up for the thriving bakery looking to semi-automate their bagging process…

Planting Beebombs for World Environment Day
In celebration of World Environment Day a few weeks ago, some of the We Seal team planted Beebombs in the grounds of our HQ… read on to find out exactly what they are!